HelpChristchurchQuake Volunteer Sign Up List: Volunteers Needed

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christchurch Quake: Volunteers Needed

A 6.3 magnitude quake hit new zealand.  There are reports of massive destruction.  Water lines break.  Power and telephone lines are down.  The Christchurch hospital is being evacuated.  Countless people are buried under huge piles of debris.  Rescuers are going to the affected areas.  People are crying and running away.

The main airport is closed until further notice.  More information will be posted here as we receive it.

Updates #1:  The earthquake hits the southern part of the country.  It causes a lot of fatalities.  The number of deads is not known now.  Many cars are still buried under rubbles.  Many rescuers are looking for those trapped by the debris in their cars.  It will take days before the number of fatalities is confirmed.  What is clear is that this type of quake does cause losses in human lives.

Here is what is being reported thus far, "Southern New Zealand has been plagued by a series of quakes since September, when the area was shaken by a 7.1-magnitude temblor that New Zealand authorities said was the most damaging quake to hit the region since 1931. ..."

Blessed Sacrament Cathedral is severely damaged by the quake.  "Christchurch's 106-year-old Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament was badly damaged, and a Herald reporter said that half the building had collapsed.  The Herald is the city's major newspaper.  

Updates #2

The timing of the quake is sure to produce a lot of fatalities and casualties.  Workers were still at work.  Schoolchildren were still in school.  Traffic was suddenly stopped.  And people were running every which way to find safety.  The city is highly populated. It was at its busiest when the quake hit it.  Countless buildings have collapsed on workers who are still trapped inside.  For example, the 102-year-old cathedral had a lot of visitors at the time of the collapse.  So did the Pyne Gould Guinness Building.  Prime Minister Key is on his way to Christchurch from Wellington.  The mayor of the town is asking for help to rescue his people from the rubble.  According to the US Geological Survey, the epicenter of the quake was located too close to the city.  That is why it is going to produce a lot of casualties and property destruction.

In Christchurch, one can find dust everywhere.  Destruction of well-known buildings is evident.  The landmarks are no more.  There are only remnants of some of these landmarks.  Various search and rescue operations are under way to locate people trapped inside these buildings.  Local authorities have ordered the evacuation of the city center.  Two commuter buses have been pancaked, flattened to the ground under the falling of debris or by collapsing nearby buildings.

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